Safe With WE

“An anonymous online forum for teens to share their

experiences with social media, school, and other aspects of life.”


Model & Strategy.


“Safe With We” is an online community and forum for social media and mental health conversation, advice, and awareness from teens to teens.


The pandemic pervasively fomented insecurities and stunted adolescents’ ability to engage with one another. As a result, Gen Z teenagers are insufficiently equipped with the social emotional learning skills to deal with their own issues, sympathize with others, and build a supportive network of friends.


“Safe With We” is a website that allows teenagers to make anonymous profiles and engage in a community of peers to share undiscussed issues like mental illness, social interactions, maturing/puberty, etc.
Anonymity also allows vulnerability without fear of repercussion. Furthermore, the simple act of venting your problems, tracking your progress, and receiving external insight can provide remission, without the accessibility barrier of most therapists/counseling services.

Safe With WE Logo

At A Glance

Concept Type: Online Forum

Team: Adin Helfand, Morgan Helfand

School: University Of Pennsylvania, Woodside High School

Meet Safe With WE.