
“Build healthy social media habits.”


Model & Strategy.


dachi is a platform that helps users break unhealthy social media habits through evidence-based self-therapy.


Social media overuse is linked with depression, anxiety, loneliness, and other mental health issues. However, reducing our time on these apps is incredibly difficult, as these apps have been designed to be as addictive as possible. In fact, around 50% of people who try to reduce their smartphone use fail to do so..


dachi takes the latest and most promising research around digital addiction and integrates it into an easy-to-use intervention program. Users can find daily evidence-based exercises, meditations, and readings that help them break unhealthy social media habits, get back their time and improve their mental well-being.


At A Glance

Concept Type: Startup

Team: Antonio Ferrara, Lukas Dissing Lundsgaard, Daniel Guichard, Irene Elejoste, Balázs Krupinszki

School: Technical University of Denmark