Ctrl + Z: The Climate Mental Health Podcast

“Climate Change, Mental Health, and Gen Z: What Else Could You Ask For?”

At A Glance

Concept Type: Podcast

Team: Abhay Singh Sachal, McKenna Dunbar, Maksim Batuyev, Vanessa Villanueva

School: University of Toronto, University of Richmond

Model & Strategy.


Youth are carrying the burden of the world’s future and being asked to fix it. Ctrl+Z: The Mental Health podcast takes a deep dive into the intersecting issues that youth are grappling with and centers stories about youth resilience in the face of the climate crisis.


Climate change is a strong driver of the global youth mental health crisis. Dominant narratives, rooted in our capitalistic western systems, exacerbate the isolation, anxiety, individualism people experience due to the climate crisis. Young people, in particular, often lack the language to describe their experience, let alone the tools, or peer support to deal with the mental angst from living through the climate crisis.


At Ctrl+Z: The Climate Mental Health Podcast, we center youth voices to challenge dominant narratives about the climate crisis and normalize conversation about climate emotions through storytelling and representation. We encourage meaningful action by helping young people develop agency and power through community connection.

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