
“Social Media Mood Tracker”

Model & Strategy.


Mynd securely leverages young adults’ unique social media data to help them learn more about themselves, and the things that make them unique. Mynd shows users insights such as your interests, characteristics, triggers, etc. online. The app also enables users to set and achieve social media goals.


Adolescents and young adults face depression, anxiety, insecurity, addiction, etc. in part due to social media feeds that prioritize attention on teen wellbeing. Yet, social media is the public square of our youth and holds potential as a creative engine. Teens face a decision to lose out on potential creative expression or to risk their mental health.


Mynd uplifts young social media users by giving them insights into themselves based on their social media behavior. Users plug in their social media accounts and Mynd gleans insights from users’ interest to mood. Additionally, users can set, measure, and achieve custom goals with these insights as accountability. For example, a user might see that political outrage negatively impacts them, and unfollow some associated accounts.


At A Glance

Concept Type: Mobile App

Team: Madi McCullough, David Gasper, Martin Escoto, Daniel Oppenlander

School: Oregon State, George Fox University

Watch Their Pitch!

Meet Mynd.

Madi McCullough • FounderUX UI Designer, Leading Product Development, Brand & Marketing Manager.

Madi McCullough • Founder

UX UI Designer, Leading Product Development, Brand & Marketing Manager.

Reagan McCullough • FinanceLeading Budget and Business Development.

Reagan McCullough • Finance

Leading Budget and Business Development.


Mynd uses their social media usage and data to create insights such as personality type, main interests, triggers/pressures online, moods, etc. From there, users can customize their goals on social media, and receive guidance towards reaching them.


Mynd believes that highlighting unique profiles of every user and offering them agency over their usage can improve their mood, esteem, and promote more authentic, healthy engagement.


Many young users especially are vulnerable to peer pressure and social comparison online, but Mynd empowers users to appreciate that which makes them stand out.

Unique Value Proposition

“Personalization is the key to Mynd. Users are celebrated for those things that make them unique rather than facing pressure to conform and can customize goals to their needs. Further, Mynd values the quality of attention on social media and offers users practical solutions to social media concerns.”

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